I've Moved!

Come visit me at my new home on the web! http://www.thatcrazycoolchick.com

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Leibster Award

I am very excited and incredibly honored that Molly from The Move to America has nominated me for the Leibster Award!!

The award is a chance to shine a light on blogs that you particularly enjoy and to share a bit of information about yourself and to hopefully build up your blogging community.

If you are nominated or are interested in taking part by nominating others, the rules are as follows:
  • share between 5-10 facts about yourself
  • nominate and link to 5-10 blogs you love that preferably, but not exclusively, have under 200 followers
  • link back and thank the person who nominated you
  • if you are nominated, you do not have to join in if you do not wish to.

Here are my Leibster Award facts about me:
  1. My natural hair color is blonde, but I prefer to color it darker.
  2. Although I grew up moving around, I have never been outside of the United States.
  3. I am allergic to bees a shell fish.
  4. I am a very fast reader. I have read a lot of books in a day or less.
  5. I like to play video games on my ps3 in my free time. My go to game right now is Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Morning Coffee Social ~ Back to School!

The Move to America

Molly @ The Move to America had this lovely idea to do a Coffee Themed Blog Hop on Mondays to talk about plans for the week ahead and things you'd like to accomplish. If you'd like to join in the fun, just click the banner above :)

Hi Bleeps!

Today is the first day of the fall semester at college. This "first day" is much different than any other first day because I officially begin the Network Systems Management program today! I have five semesters left and I will be a college graduate.

I'm taking four classes this semester. CPT 162 - Intro to Web Publishing and CPT 285 - P.C. Hardware Concepts on Mondays and Wednesday. ENG 160 - Technical Communications and IST 201 - Cisco Internetworking Concepts on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Besides getting aquainted with my new classes, my plans for the week include getting my books and school supply shopping. I'll also be travelling back to Tennessee for the weekend on Thursday afternoon after school.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Stealing: Let Me Give Your Heart a Break

Do you prefer a lot of ice in your drinks or just a little bit of ice? It depends on what I'm drinking...if it's water, I like lots of ice. If it's anything else, just a little ice unless the drink itself is already cold, then I don't use ice at all. I know, I'm complicated. lol
Which condiment (ketchup, mustard, etc.) do you use the most of? Ketchup and Mayonaise
Does war scare you? Very much so.
Do you know any songs that are older than you are? Tons!
Are you comfortable sharing drinks with your friends? Sure :)
What season were you born in? Autumn
Have you ever spent over $100.00 on an article of clothing? What was it? Yes, a heavy camel coat that I bought from Lane Bryant 10 years ago. I still have it and keep it at my parents house in Tennessee for when I am there in the winter time. It doesn't really get cold enough for me to wear it here.
Do you think you’re too hard on yourself sometimes? I am my own worst enemy and my own worst critic.
What pizza place do you usually order from? Dominos, but I'll call Pizza Hut if I'm in the mood for stuffed crust.
Honestly, have you ever mooned or flashed somebody? *blush* Oh my, yes.
Do you have a least favorite color? Not really.
Honestly, have you ever written something on a bathroom stall? I don't believe so!
Who do you consider to be the king of pop? Isn't that Michael Jackson? Say what you want about who he was as a person, but you have to admit the man made some great music!
Do you know all of the words to any childrens song? yes  
Can you name 3 purple foods? eggplant, grapes and onions
When was the last time you made a pinky promise? I couldn't tell you.
What celebrity do you wish would have a big comeback? Madonna...she's been under the radar for a while.
Do you think your parents know things about you that you don’t want them to? Most likely
Have you ever walked into a spider web? Yuck! yes lol
What grocery store do you usually get your food from? Walmart
What would be your happily ever after? I'm not really sure anymore. I do know I'd like to have at least one child by the time I'm 35.
When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? In class during the summer semester 
Who is the worst driver you know? My sister
How about the best driver? Richard
Are you shorter or taller than most of your friends? About the same height or taller.
Do you know anybody who was born on a holiday? I was born on Columbus Day and I know some people born on Valentine's Day and Christmas.
What is one thing you really don’t like sharing? My iPhone
Have you ever been hit on through text message? Yes.
What was the last junk food you ate? Potato Chips 
Do you prefer sweet or sour candy? both
What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? A beer
Currently waiting on something/someone? Maybe
What was the last thing you watched on television? Pretty Little Liars
How old will you be in 12 months? 30
Do you sleep naked? Sometimes
Have you ever held hands with someone in a car? Yes
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Maybe
What do you say during awkward silences? Well, this is awkward
When will you next see the last person you texted? Next Weekend
Honestly, when is the last time you have been to Texas? When I was a child.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday 9: Cowboy Cassanova

This is for all the country music fans out there

1) The singer tries to warn her friend against a neighborhood Lothario. Do you advise your friends when it comes to love? Or do you stay out of it? It depends on which friend it is and what the actual situation is.

2) This song is about the hot guy "leaning up against the record machine." Does your favorite restaurant or bar still have a juke box? My favorite bars back home do.

3) Carrie is an American Idol winner. Have you ever gone online or picked up the phone and voted for a contestant on Dancing with the Stars, American Idol or any similar show? I used to be a loyal American Idol fan, but I haven't watched it since the season Jordin Sparks won (I had her picked from the beginning!) And to be honest, it just wouldn't be the same for me to watch it now because Paula, Simon and Randy were a good judging combo to me.

4) Carrie graduated magna cum laude and majored in journalism, yet instead of being a reporter, she's a country music superstar. How similar are your life/career today to the way you envisioned them when you were 21? *sigh* No where near it!

5) Carrie also competed in beauty pageants and was a runner up for Miss NSU (Northeastern State University). If you were a contestant in a pageant, what would you do for the talent competition? I don't know...maybe play violin?

6) This December, Carrie is scheduled to star in a televised remake of The Sound of Music. Do you have any year-end plans? Not as of yet.

7) She is married to NHL player Mike Fisher, center for the Nashville Predators. What's your favorite professional sports team? The Pittsburgh Steelers

8) Hockey is a tough game! Do you currently have an owie or an ouchie or a boo-boo that requires a bandaid? Nope!

9) Summer brings a lot of power outages and brown outs. Do you have a flashlight? If so, have you checked the batteries? I have a flashlight app on my iPhone :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday Tunes

Leslyn's Lovely Life

My pick for this Tuesday is in honor of my younger brother, Jacob, who moved into his college dorm yesterday. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh). My mom and I nicked named this song as his a while back because he's always telling us "Hey! Listen to what I'm saying."

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Morning Coffee Social ~ Jacob Moves to Maryville

The Move to America

Molly @ The Move to America had this lovely idea to do a Coffee Themed Blog Hop on Mondays to talk about plans for the week ahead and things you'd like to accomplish. If you'd like to join in the fun, just click the banner above :)

Good Morning, Bleeps! 

I missed doing the Monday Morning Coffee Social last week because I was at my Aunt Lynn's house in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania and I didn't have my laptop with me. I could have posted from my iPhone, but I hate how my phone posts come out looking like they were formatted by a five year old. 

I am starting this week at my parents' house in Kingsport, Tennessee. Today is a very big day around here because we are moving my younger brother down to his college dorm. He is the youngest child, so as you can imagine... my mother is an emotional wreck.

I will probably travel home either tomorrow or Wednesday. As for the rest of the week, I don't have any concrete plans. I know my niece and nephews will more than likely want to stay with me a night or two since this is the last week of summer vacation. We all return to school next Monday, August 19th. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Life, Love & Relationships: What are your thoughts?

Okay Bleeps, I'm about to get deep. Deep in thought or deep in $h!t. I guess it depends on how you look at it.

Before I open this can of worms, I should mention that I am currently single and have been for quite some time. At this point in my life, the single life works for me. I believe a relationship would be too much of a distraction right now. I'm a full time college student and my main focus is to finish school and graduate so I can have a brighter future.

Over the last decade, I have been in a few relationships myself. I have also been witness to the beginning and the end of several different relationships between friends, classmates and co-workers. Although I have taken several different lessons from my own relationships and others, there is one fact that has remained the same in each one - Love is never easy. It is the one thing that can consume your every thought, make you question even the littlest of things, tear you to shreds and rock you to your core. I can honestly say that my point of view has changed over the last decade. The things I have experienced and witnessed, good and bad, have helped me come to several conclusions as far as relationships in general are concerned.

The first thing that I've concluded is that it is possible to have feelings for more than one person at the same time. Your feelings for one particular person may be stronger than they are for anyone else, or they may not be. Having feelings for more than one person does not make you a bad person, it makes you human.

The next thing I've concluded is that every person that has ever been in a relationship has thought about cheating on their partner at least once. This kinda ties to my first conclusion, because if you have feelings for someone other than who you're with, you're naturally going to wonder what it would be like to be with them. This is also kind of a grey area, because not everyone has the same definition of what cheating is. Some people consider the mere thought of wanting to be with someone other than their partner as cheating. Personally, I think that's just a little too insecure.

Jealousy and insecurity are not attractive traits at all. Pair them with a lack of trust in your partner, and you have a recipe for a disastrous relationship. Like I said before, Love is never easy. But, sometimes I believe you just have to pick and choose your battles.

So, bleeps, I'm a bit curious. What is your definition of cheating? Do you think it's possible to have feelings for more than one person? Or is that itself cheating? Leave me a comment ant let me know, or drop me an email if you prefer for it to be more private. Either way, please let's be respectful towards one another because everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Sunday Stealing: Meme 325

Something that’s holding you back from achieving your dreams: Having to finish school
Something you think you could win an award for: My creativity. 
Something you fear more than anything: Dying young.
Something you wish people would understand: Life is too short to be focusing on the petty shit.
Something that keeps you going everyday: Melodie, Zachary and Bryson
Something amazing that happened last summer: I moved into my apartment and met my very sweet landlord.
Something you hate that people say: "Ain't nothing I can do about it" Bull$h!t....there's always something you can do! Most people spout that out as an excuse because they don't want to do anything.
Something you refuse to pay money for: Parking. 
Something you wish you could have told that person that you never saw again: I love you and I'm sorry. I thought we had more time.
Something that really stands out about last year: Losing my friend, Holly.
Something you like that everyone else thinks is weird: Lime-Cucumber Gatorade
Something you do when you’re trying to calm down: Breathe deeply, listen to music.
Something you do when you wake up at three AM: Check my phone. 
Something amazing that’s happened this year: I went back to college.
Something you love doing on cold rainy days: Curling up in bed and watching movies.
Something you listen to when you’re in a really good mood: The Fast 6 Soundtrack.
Something that irritates you more than anything: Tardiness.
Something you’re addicted to/can’t stop doing: Candy Crush Saga.
Something that really stands out about you: My outgoing and overly friendly personality.
Something about you that’s like everyone else: I like music... everyone likes music, right?
Something that makes you change the channel: Commercials.
Something you think about every night before you go to sleep: My future.
Something that you don’t think will ever change about you: My kind heart.
Something about you that you think will soon change: The fact that I keep giving people chance after chance.
Something that broke your heart as a child: Losing my Grandma. 
Something that really sparks your interest: Computers
Something that truly disgusts you: Child Molesters.
Something the opposite gender has complimented you on: My eyes.

Indestructible Desire Blog Tour ~ Hosted By: Scandalous Book Blog

I've signed up to participate in Scandalous Book Blog's Indestructible Desire Blog Tour, and I am beyond thrilled to be able to share parts of this amazing book with all of you this weekend!

My Review:
I tell you what, Danielle Jamie sure does know how to write a sex scene! Lol I can't read any chapters out of the Savannah books, especially this one, without needing a good dose of sex myself afterward. ;o)

Indestructible Desire is the best out of the series yet, and I'm so happy to hear there will be a fourth book. Danielle Jamie has such a way with words that I honestly feel as though Savannah and Kayden are real people that I've known for years. So, grab yourself a copy. I promise you won't be disappointed!

After going through a terrifying ordeal. Savannah has to try and overcome the tragic events that rocked her soul to the very core. With Kayden by her side Savannah tries to piece her life back together. Feeling betrayed, she finds herself struggling to move on with her now fragile life.

Plagued with nightmares, and the fear that she will once again find herself staring in to the face of danger. Savannah shuts herself away from the outside world. In the process pushing away the man she loves and her closest friends. Praying on her weakness, two unlikely people will come together. With the sole purpose of separating Savannah and Kayden when their relationship is on shaky ground. 

With past secrets exposed, exes causing trouble and lovers from the past offering comfort. Will Savannah and Kayden be torn apart for good? Or will their indestructible love for one another be strong enough to withstand the storms coming their way? 

I have a treat for all of you! Here is an excerpt from Indestructible Desire:
Kayden flashes an impish grin at me as he stands, and takes me hand pulling me to my feet. “You’re just full of surprises tonight.” I finally say as the shock slowly begins to wear off.

“That. I. Am. Now blow out your candles and make a wish!” Slapping me on the butt playfully Kayden steps back, giving me room to stand in front of my cake.

Closing my eyes I take in a deep breath, and blow out my candles. Making my wish, I stand up and happily except all the birthday wishes and hugs from everyone.

“Now let’s get this party started!” I shout out tossing back a shot of whiskey. “Let’s make my first night being twenty five, the most kick ass night of my life!” 

Wanna read more? You can purchase your own copy from Barnes & Noble, Amazon (US), Amazon (UK), or Smashwords

Author Bio:
Danielle Jamie

I am 28 and a mother of 3 wonderful kids. Madison 9 Bailey 5 and Finn 2 years old. I run a successful online boutique, Bailey Booper’s Boutique; many of my items has been featured on Teen Mom 2.

I live in a small town in NY with my husband of 10 years, enjoying my happily ever after. My perfect day is spending time at the beach, I love the Ocean. I’m an outdoorsy type of girl; every chance I get I’m outside walking or running around with my kids.

I have been writing for as long as I can remember but I finally decide to peruse my dreams of sharing my stories with the world when I published my first novel, Irresistible Desire, back in March.


Hosted by:

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday 9: Waking Up in Vegas

1) As she sings about her night in Las Vegas, Katy wonders if she "got hitched last night dressed up like Elvis." Tell us about the last wedding you attended. I honestly don't remember who's wedding it was! It's been a while since I attended a wedding.

2) Whenever Crazy Sam visits Las Vegas, she stays at the Paris Hotel and Casino. Have you ever been to Las Vegas, Nevada? What about Paris, France? No, I've never been to either place.

3) Do you enjoy gambling? Have you had any success at it? I'm not a huge gambler, mainly because I hate to lose! I do purchase the occasional scratch off ticket. And just last week I went to Mohegan Sun at Pocono Down's with my Aunt Lynn, but only because I got $20 in free slot machine play...$10 for signing up for a players card and another $10 for providing my email address.

4) Las Vegas is served by the RTC Bus Service and the Vegas Monorail System connects many of casinos on The Strip. When was the last time you rode a bus or a train? It's been over a decade.

5) It's not unusual for the mercury to hit 100º in Vegas in August. Which are you more comfortable in -- extreme heat or bone-chilling cold? Extreme heat... I do live down south after all.

6) As a little girl, Katy Perry sang nothing but gospel. Do you remember any church songs from your childhood? Does Jesus Loves Me count?

7) She made her film debut as the voice of Smurfette in The Smurfs (2011). Who is your all-time favorite cartoon character? Betty Boop

8) Do you consider yourself a picky eater? Very much so! I don't like for my foods to touch or mix together and there's a lot of things that I won't eat, although that list has gotten shorter as I have gotten older.

9) You receive an invitation to a party that starts at 7:00 PM. When will you arrive? Between 7:00-7:15, depending on who's party it is and what the occasion is.

Indestructible Desire Blog Tour ~ Hosted By: Scandalous Book Blog

I've signed up to participate in Scandalous Book Blog's Indestructible Desire Blog Tour, and I am beyond thrilled to be able to share parts of this amazing book with all of you this weekend!

My Review:
I tell you what, Danielle Jamie sure does know how to write a sex scene! Lol I can't read any chapters out of the Savannah books, especially this one, without needing a good dose of sex myself afterward. ;o)

Indestructible Desire is the best out of the series yet, and I'm so happy to hear there will be a fourth book. Danielle Jamie has such a way with words that I honestly feel as though Savannah and Kayden are real people that I've known for years. So, grab yourself a copy. I promise you won't be disappointed!

After going through a terrifying ordeal. Savannah has to try and overcome the tragic events that rocked her soul to the very core. With Kayden by her side Savannah tries to piece her life back together. Feeling betrayed, she finds herself struggling to move on with her now fragile life.

Plagued with nightmares, and the fear that she will once again find herself staring in to the face of danger. Savannah shuts herself away from the outside world. In the process pushing away the man she loves and her closest friends. Praying on her weakness, two unlikely people will come together. With the sole purpose of separating Savannah and Kayden when their relationship is on shaky ground. 

With past secrets exposed, exes causing trouble and lovers from the past offering comfort. Will Savannah and Kayden be torn apart for good? Or will their indestructible love for one another be strong enough to withstand the storms coming their way? 

I have a treat for all of you! Here is an excerpt from Indestructible Desire:
Standing abruptly, I ask to have a moment alone to clear my head. Savannah’s eyes are as big as saucers as I stand and make my way towards the bathroom. Leaning against the bathroom cabinet, I stare at myself in the mirror. I look as bad as I fuckin’ feel at the moment. I want to keep going, but it feels like someone is compressing my lungs, not allowing a drop of air to enter or exit them. I think I’m having my first panic attack, and it’s scaring the shit out of me. I hate feeling like I don’t have control of a situation.

Leaning against the wall, I close my eyes, and try to focus on my breathing. Slowly in and out, over and over as I feel my heart rate start to slowly return to normal. I can hear Savannah and Dr. Wilcott talking other the other side of the wall. I can’t help but feel bad for her. Savannah is more than likely thinking that I feel pressured into this. But I don’t. I know I have to get this out of me, in order to truly cope and move on from the pain my past has burdened me with.

Feeling better, I slowly open the door and make my way over to the couch. Sitting down beside Savannah, I give her a reassuring smile, “I feel better, and I just needed to take a moment.” I say before turning my attention back to Dr. Wilcott and continuing. 

Wanna read more? You can purchase your own copy from Barnes & Noble, Amazon (US), Amazon (UK), or Smashwords

Author Bio:
Danielle Jamie

I am 28 and a mother of 3 wonderful kids. Madison 9 Bailey 5 and Finn 2 years old. I run a successful online boutique, Bailey Booper’s Boutique; many of my items has been featured on Teen Mom 2.

I live in a small town in NY with my husband of 10 years, enjoying my happily ever after. My perfect day is spending time at the beach, I love the Ocean. I’m an outdoorsy type of girl; every chance I get I’m outside walking or running around with my kids.

I have been writing for as long as I can remember but I finally decide to peruse my dreams of sharing my stories with the world when I published my first novel, Irresistible Desire, back in March.


Hosted by:

Friday, August 9, 2013

Indestructible Desire Blog Tour ~ Hosted By: Scandalous Book Blog

I've signed up to participate in Scandalous Book Blog's Indestructible Desire Blog Tour, and I am beyond thrilled to be able to share parts of this amazing book with all of you this weekend!

My Review:
I tell you what, Danielle Jamie sure does know how to write a sex scene! Lol I can't read any chapters out of the Savannah books, especially this one, without needing a good dose of sex myself afterward. ;o)

Indestructible Desire is the best out of the series yet, and I'm so happy to hear there will be a fourth book. Danielle Jamie has such a way with words that I honestly feel as though Savannah and Kayden are real people that I've known for years. So, grab yourself a copy. I promise you won't be disappointed!

After going through a terrifying ordeal. Savannah has to try and overcome the tragic events that rocked her soul to the very core. With Kayden by her side Savannah tries to piece her life back together. Feeling betrayed, she finds herself struggling to move on with her now fragile life.

Plagued with nightmares, and the fear that she will once again find herself staring in to the face of danger. Savannah shuts herself away from the outside world. In the process pushing away the man she loves and her closest friends. Praying on her weakness, two unlikely people will come together. With the sole purpose of separating Savannah and Kayden when their relationship is on shaky ground. 

With past secrets exposed, exes causing trouble and lovers from the past offering comfort. Will Savannah and Kayden be torn apart for good? Or will their indestructible love for one another be strong enough to withstand the storms coming their way? 

I have a treat for all of you! Here is an excerpt from the beginning of Indestructible Desire:
With long quick strides we walked through the double doors and down a long corridor. I hate not knowing how she is. If she’s okay, or what the extent of her injuries are. The not knowing is what is hurting me the most.

I love her way too much to lose her. We’ve only just begun our journey together. After what feels like forever, we finally stop in front of room 112. “You can sit in here. I'll let the charge nurse know you have permission to be back here. She'll likely be able to answer most of your questions. We have myself and another officer guarding her room. Officer Gordon is in the O.R. with her right now.”

Sitting down in one of the chairs by the hospital bed, I take in everything he’s saying but my head seems like it’s in a fog. “Thanks. I hope they catch Zak sooner rather than later, so I can focus on carin’ for Savannah instead of stressing’ over if he’s gonna show up and try to hurt her again.”

“I imagine we’ll catch him very soon. He’s suffered injuries from the crash. He’s on foot, and there are police officers and detectives searching everywhere. The entire area is closed off with road blocks.”

After Officer Mason went to find the ER nurse, I decided to flick through a magazine and try to distract myself. Two magazines later a nurse finally walked into Savannah’s hospital room. “Hi, Mr. Knox. I’m Kathy, the evening nurse here in the E.R., the doctor is in surgery right now with Savannah. He’ll be down to talk about everythin’ once she’s out of surgery.”

Setting the magazine down, I stand up, and wipe my damp palms on my jeans. My nerves are getting the best of me. The worst case scenarios have been running through my head the last fifteen minutes. “The EMT’s at the crash site mentioned potential swelling of the brain?”

“Yes. She wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, so when the car flipped she received a lot of injuries, one of them being the swelling. She’s in surgery now so they can relieve the pressure on her brain. They also believe she has some bruised or fractured ribs and a sprained or broken wrist. We won’t know for sure until after she comes out of surgery and the doctors can do some X-rays.”

“Was she still unconscious when she went into surgery? When the EMT’s were checking her over she wasn’t responsive before they put her in the ambulance.”

Looking down at the clip board she had removed from Savannah’s door, she lets out a sigh. Instantly making the knot in the pit of my stomach tighten. “It says here she was unconscious and non-responsive when she arrived in the E.R., and was still when they rushed her into surgery. Her brain is just trying to heal. To do so it sometimes has to shut itself off in order to repair itself. She will more than likely wake up within the next few hours to maybe a few days. It’s hard to tell with brain injuries.”

I’m thankful I finally know what’s going on, but now I wonder was I better off being in the dark? I’m dizzy from everything buzzing around in my head. What will I do if she doesn’t wake up? If she does, what if she wakes up not the same Savannah she was before her accident? Zak better pray the cops catch him and not me. If I do, he won’t be going to jail. He’ll be in the ground right beside Jacob. 

Wanna read more? You can purchase your own copy from Barnes & Noble, Amazon (US), Amazon (UK), or Smashwords

Author Bio:
Danielle Jamie

I am 28 and a mother of 3 wonderful kids. Madison 9 Bailey 5 and Finn 2 years old. I run a successful online boutique, Bailey Booper’s Boutique; many of my items has been featured on Teen Mom 2.

I live in a small town in NY with my husband of 10 years, enjoying my happily ever after. My perfect day is spending time at the beach, I love the Ocean. I’m an outdoorsy type of girl; every chance I get I’m outside walking or running around with my kids.

I have been writing for as long as I can remember but I finally decide to peruse my dreams of sharing my stories with the world when I published my first novel, Irresistible Desire, back in March.


Hosted by:

Friday 5 ~ What's it Like?

Here's my answers to this week's Friday 5!

  1. What’s the outgoing message on your voicemail like? I've resorted to using the default recording.
  2. What’s the wallpaper on your computer like? I use a theme that cycles through about 15 different photos of butterflies.
  3. What’s stuck to your fridge door? Photos and colored pages from my niece & nephews.
  4. What’s your daily organizer like? It's a spiral bound book that contains all of my class times, appointments, assignments, bill due dates and amounts, and any other obligations that I make. 
  5. What’s the signature on your personal emails like? Since I reply from my phone 99% of the time, it usually just says "Sent from my iPhone"

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday Tunes

Leslyn's Lovely Life

My pick for this Tuesday is Anna Kendrick's Cups. I do a lot of traveling between South Carolina and Tennessee. This week I've even done some traveling to Pennsylvania and New York, and this is my go-to road trip song nowadays. Not to mention I absolutely loved the movie Pitch Perfect.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Stealing: The Massive Alphabet Meme, Part 2

The Letter N 
Do you have a nickname? I have a couple that only close friends and family use.
What is your favorite number? 7, 17, 23
Do you prefer night or day? I tend to be a bit of a night owl.

The Letter O
What is your one wish? That I could spend more time in Pennsylvania with my cousins.
Are you an only child? I was for the first 10 years of my life.
Do you wish this year was over? No, time passes by way too quickly as it is.

The Letter P 
What is one fear that you are most paranoid about? Getting bit by something poisonous such as a spider or a snake.
What personality trait would you look for in someone you wanted to date? Just someone who is honest and has good morals.

The Letter Q 
Are you quick to judge people? Sometimes unfortunately.

The Letter R
Do you think you are always right? No, far from it.
Do you watch reality T.V.? Yes
What is a good reason to cry? Sometimes you don't need one!

The Letter S 
Do you prefer sun or rain? Most definitely Sun
Do you like snow? I like to see it, but I don't like dealing with it or driving in it.
What is your favorite season? Spring.

The Letter T 
What time is it? 11:04 a.m.
What time did you wake up? 7:30 a.m.
When was the last time you slept in a tent? Never

The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear? Yes
Do you open your eyes when under water?  Sometimes

The Letter V 
What is the worst veggie? Peas
Where do you want to go on vacation? The Bahamas
What was your last family vacation together? Myrtle Beach 2004

The Letter W 
What is your worst habit? I cuss like a sailor
Where do you live? South Carolina

The Letter X 
Have you ever had an X-ray? Several
Have you ever seen the X-Games? No
Do you own or have you ever played a xylophone? I've played one.

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow? Yes, it's bright and cheerful!
What year were you born in? 1983
What do you yearn for most? I don't know.

The Letter Z
What is your Zodiac Sign? Libra
Do you believe in the Zodiac? Sometimes
What is your favorite zoo animal? Giraffe

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday 9: I'm a Believer

1) This song is about a guy who fell in love when he saw her face. Do you believe in love at first sight? Absolutely

2) "I'm a Believer" is the best-selling Monkees song. Can you name another one? No, I can't.

3) On their TV show, the boys competed for the same girl. Have you and a friend ever been romantic rivals? No, and any ex-boyfriends are off limits too.

4) In another episode, the Monkees visited the circus. If you were confident there was a good strong net beneath you, would you walk across the high wire? Sure, why not?

5) The Monkees show originally aired on Monday nights. Do you have a favorite day of the week? I like weekends because I don't have school and I'm free to do whatever.

6) Davy Jones guest starred on an episode of The Brady Bunch. The plot revolved around Marcia's efforts to get him to perform at the prom. Share one of your memories from a school dance. Homecoming my junior year took place right after I got out of the hospital. I looked horrible in all of the pictures. It was a disaster!
7) At the height of their popularity, the Monkees' faces and logo appeared on a lot of merchandise, including lunch boxes. Which would you rather have for lunch -- chicken salad, tuna salad or egg salad? Any of the above... I like them all!

8) You have an afternoon all to yourself. Would you rather spend it at the mall, checking out what's new in the stores and people watching, or walking through the forest, observing the birds and trees and leaves? At the mall.

9) Do you have a good memory for names? Yes I do.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday 5 ~ The Grass is Always Greener

Here's my answers for the Friday 5. You should do it too!
  1. What’s something non food-related you have to go to a nearby town to do because the town where you live doesn't have it? Go shopping at Lane Bryant.
  2. What’s something you go to a nearby town to do because your town’s version of it isn’t as good? Go grocery shopping... We don't have a Harris Teeter in the town I live in.
  3. What’s something people in nearby towns come to your town to do? Probably nothing lol
  4. In what way are residents of a nearby town different from residents in your town? They're a little more fast paced I'm sure. I kinda live in podunk lol.
  5. Many towns give themselves nicknames, like “______ Capital of America” or “America’s ___________est Town” or “Home of __________.” What would be a good nickname along these lines to give the town where you live? The town that used to be a Lake? I don't know lol. This is hard!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Showing Some Love ~ Hump Day Blog Hop

Modern Hippie Momma

If you're anything like me, you instantly think of Geico's commercial with the Camel anytime you hear the words Hump Day.


This particular Hump Day is special, exciting and nerve-wrecking all at the same time for me. Today is Final Exam day for my Summer Semester Classes. I'm as ready as I can be. Wish me luck!

Happy Hump Day y'all :o)

Tuesday Tunes

Leslyn's Lovely Life

Since I love all types of music, Tuesday Tunes is a blog hop that I certainly had to join!

My pick for this Tuesday is Rihanna's Stay. I've been stuck on this song for a few weeks now, and it's made it's way to being a ringtone on my iPhone. The lyrics are just so powerful, and it makes me think about a certain situation that weighs heavy on my mind. I've always used music as a way to cope with things and I've always related a song or two to major life events. But, I'm going to quit rambling on and allow you to listen to this song. Enjoy!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Morning Coffee Social ~ My First Monday

The Move to America

Molly @ The Move to America had this lovely idea to do a Coffee Themed Blog Hop on Mondays to talk about plans for the week ahead and things you'd like to accomplish. This is my first time participating. If you'd like to join in the fun, just click the banner above :)

Good Morning! Today begins the last week of  Summer Semester. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. Even though I have two weeks of freedom to look forward to before Fall Semester starts, I have one last hurdle to overcome first - Final Exams. 

It's safe to say that a majority of my week will be occupied with studying, but I do have a couple things I'd like to accomplish as well. Such as re-arranging some furniture in my living room and my bedroom; and working on some more content for my blog. I'm not trying to commit myself to anything major or time consuming this week because I don't want to stress myself out. My main focus is doing well on my exams. Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Stealing: The Massive Alphabet Meme, Part 1

The Letter A 
Are you agnostic? No
What is your age?  29
What annoys you? Bad drivers, tardiness, disorganization, disrespect...ugh I could go on and on lol!

The Letter B
Do you like bacon? Yes
When is your birthday? October 12th
Who is your best friend? Richard

The Letter C 
What is your favorite candy? Skittles
Who is your crush? Paul Walker...yummy!
When was the last time you cried? Last night

The Letter D
Do you daydream? Often
What is your favorite kind of dog? I have a dachshund. I've also had a pomeranian.
What day of the week is it? Sunday

The Letter E
How do you like your eggs? Over medium
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Unfortunately, yes.
What’s the easiest thing to ever do? Nothing. Doing nothing is easy and nothing is easy to do...think about it!

The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane? Yes.
Do you use fly swatters? No.
Have you ever used a foghorn? No.

The Letter G
Do you chew gum? Sometimes.
Ever tried gazpacho? No...I don't even know what that is. (Guess I'll have to Google it when I finish this post.)
Are you a giver or taker? Most definitely a giver...maybe even too much of a giver at times.

The Letter H
How are you? Honestly, I could be better. My back has been hurting for days :( I can barely stand up straight!
What’s your height? 5 ft. 8 in.
What color is your hair? The bottle is labeled Darkest Plum Brown ;)

The Letter I
What is your favorite ice-cream? Mint Chocolate Chip, Rocky Road and Strawberry
Have you ever ice-skated? Yes
Do you play an instrument? Violin and I am starting to learn how to play Guitar.

The Letter J 
What is your favorite jelly bean? Jelly Belly
Do you wear jewelry? Sometimes
Have you heard a really hilarious joke? Haven't we all?

The Letter K
Whom do you want to kill? I honestly can't think of anyone.
Do you want kids? Someday
Where did you go to kindergarten? Tri-Cities Christian Academy Somersworth, NH

The Letter L
Are you laid-back? I think so.
Do you lie? I try not to, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Especially when I don't want to hurt someone elses feelings.
Do you love anyone? Yes. I love my family and my friends.

The Letter M
What is your favorite movie? The Notebook and Titanic
Do you still watch Disney movies? Like a boss!
Do you like mangos? LOVE them :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday 9: So Much to Say

1) The lyrics refer to a baby's "one year of crying." When was the last time you cried ... felt weepy ... or at least teared up? I'm an overly sensitive individual and tend to be quite emotional, so I cry or feel weepy pretty often... I'm working on getting my emotions in check, but it's not easy!

2) Let's lighten it up a little. When was the last time you laughed really hard? Although I'm overly sensitive and emotional, I laugh often. I have to say at least once a day if not more.

3) Do you have "so much to say" that hasn't been said yet? Tell us if you owe someone a phone call, note, email or text. Yes! I constantly have thoughts running through my head... that's one of the reasons I've started blogging again. I do owe someone a phone call/note/text, but sometimes there are some things that are better left unsaid!

4) Earlier this summer, Dave took a bike ride before a show and his tire blew out. He didn't have a cell phone with him and was afraid of missing that night's performance. Fortunately two fans -- driving to see Dave Matthews Band in concert -- recognized him by the side of the road and gave him a ride to the show. Share a recent act of kindness you either did, or received.  My sweet niece Melodie made my bed for me this evening and plugged my phone up to it's charger while I was changing into my pajamas earlier tonight because she knew how much my back was hurting and bothering me.

5) Before he hit it big, Dave Matthews was a bartender. What job did you have right before the one you have now? I was a customer service rep at a third party call center for AT&T wireless

6) The Dave Matthews Band recorded an album live at the Red Rocks Amphitheater, in the mountains near Denver. Is there a trip to the mountains in your future? I travel to the mountains pretty often because my parents live in Northeast Tennessee which is where I moved here from.

7) Do you suffer from hay fever or allergies? Yes, allergies!

8) What's in your pocket right now? Nothing because I am sitting in bed in my pajamas.

9) American Express promotes "Small Business Saturday," and encourages us to shop at local, independent retailers. Is there a shop, boutique or restaurant in your town that you're particularly fond of? No, I can't say there are any I have discovered here yet. However, there are a few in Tennessee I like to try to go to whenever I am visiting my parents.

Give Us an Update!

Wow! I am almost overwhelmed by the response I got to my "1st" post. My iPhone blew up with a bunch of emails, all including a bunch of feedback that is very greatly appreciated. Most of you asked for an update on my life in general, and some of you included questions. Rather than answer a bunch of emails, I figured I'd turn it into a blog post. Don't worry, I'm not gonna call any of you out :) So, here it goes...

Where are you living now? Do you live alone or do you have roommates?
I've been in South Carolina for 3 years now. I moved into a 2 bdrm/2 bath apartment last June and had a roommate from July-May. Now, it's just me and my cute lil dachshund, Weenie.

Isn't he adorable?

Have you graduated from college yet? How do you like being a Dental Hygentist?
No, I haven't graduated yet. I actually took a year off of school to regroup and get my life straight. I've also changed my major to Network Systems Management.

Are you still working at the call center?
No, I'm currently a full time student. I've taken 3 courses during this summer semester to get all of the pre-requisites out of the way and I am taking 4 courses this fall when I begin the Network Systems Management program.

Are you in a relationship?
No, and believe it or not I'm actually happy with being single right now. My main focus is to finish school and get my degree in order to secure a bright future for myself. I believe a relationship would be a distraction at this time. Not to mention that between classes and homework, I don't really have any time left for myself let alone anyone else.

That pretty much covers all of the questions I got. Thank you all for the input. I'm very excited to incorporate a lot of it into my ideas. I can't wait until this blog is up and soaring good :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A New Beginning

Some of you may recall visiting my blog last summer and seeing my posts on couponing and shopping at CVS and Rite Aid. I'm sad to say that I've kind of fallen off of the couponing wagon. I'd like to get back into it at some point, but I just don't have any extra time for it right now. As you can see for yourselves, I've removed those posts. I miss blogging and I want to get back into it, but I want to take this blog in a completely different direction. I'm not 100% sure what direction that will be as of yet. I have plans to include a little bit of everything such as Q&A on reader submitted topics, product reviews, advice on reader submitted issues and maybe even some guest posts. However, the couponing posts were old and it had been so long since I had made any posts here that leaving them up just seemed pointless. I felt they would be out of place.

Some of you have been following my various blogs and websites for years. Some of you may be stumbling across this blog for the first time. Whichever the case may be, It doesn't .matter because this is a new beginning for me. I'm a much different person than who I was 5 or 10 years ago. Hell, I'm a much different person than who I was a year ago.

So I guess first thing I'd like to do is ask everyone What would you like to see here? You can let me know by leaving a comment below, or you can send me an email if you prefer it to be a bit more private.

I look forward to hearing from you guys!
You are more than welcome to share anything you find on That Crazy Cool Chick on your own blog or anywhere else you wish to share it, as long as you provide a link back. Please give credit where credit is due!

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Copyright ©2012, 2013 That Crazy Cool Chick.
This Blog is created and maintained by Noelle.