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Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Morning Coffee Social ~ Back to School!

The Move to America

Molly @ The Move to America had this lovely idea to do a Coffee Themed Blog Hop on Mondays to talk about plans for the week ahead and things you'd like to accomplish. If you'd like to join in the fun, just click the banner above :)

Hi Bleeps!

Today is the first day of the fall semester at college. This "first day" is much different than any other first day because I officially begin the Network Systems Management program today! I have five semesters left and I will be a college graduate.

I'm taking four classes this semester. CPT 162 - Intro to Web Publishing and CPT 285 - P.C. Hardware Concepts on Mondays and Wednesday. ENG 160 - Technical Communications and IST 201 - Cisco Internetworking Concepts on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Besides getting aquainted with my new classes, my plans for the week include getting my books and school supply shopping. I'll also be travelling back to Tennessee for the weekend on Thursday afternoon after school.


  1. Thanks for joining my little social!

    Good luck with all your studies - it sounds busy but I am sure you will get lots out of it!

  2. I have nominated you for an fellow blogger award! You do not have to join in, but if you want to see it, you can find it on my post here http://themovetoamerica.wordpress.com/2013/08/23/liebster-award-about-me-nominations/


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This Blog is created and maintained by Noelle.