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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday Tunes

Leslyn's Lovely Life

Since I love all types of music, Tuesday Tunes is a blog hop that I certainly had to join!

My pick for this Tuesday is Rihanna's Stay. I've been stuck on this song for a few weeks now, and it's made it's way to being a ringtone on my iPhone. The lyrics are just so powerful, and it makes me think about a certain situation that weighs heavy on my mind. I've always used music as a way to cope with things and I've always related a song or two to major life events. But, I'm going to quit rambling on and allow you to listen to this song. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I know where you're coming from. After my major surgery, it was music that helped more than the medicines during my recovery! I couldn't cope either without music!!

    You're right - absolutely deep and moving song.


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