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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Stealing: Meme 325

Something that’s holding you back from achieving your dreams: Having to finish school
Something you think you could win an award for: My creativity. 
Something you fear more than anything: Dying young.
Something you wish people would understand: Life is too short to be focusing on the petty shit.
Something that keeps you going everyday: Melodie, Zachary and Bryson
Something amazing that happened last summer: I moved into my apartment and met my very sweet landlord.
Something you hate that people say: "Ain't nothing I can do about it" Bull$h!t....there's always something you can do! Most people spout that out as an excuse because they don't want to do anything.
Something you refuse to pay money for: Parking. 
Something you wish you could have told that person that you never saw again: I love you and I'm sorry. I thought we had more time.
Something that really stands out about last year: Losing my friend, Holly.
Something you like that everyone else thinks is weird: Lime-Cucumber Gatorade
Something you do when you’re trying to calm down: Breathe deeply, listen to music.
Something you do when you wake up at three AM: Check my phone. 
Something amazing that’s happened this year: I went back to college.
Something you love doing on cold rainy days: Curling up in bed and watching movies.
Something you listen to when you’re in a really good mood: The Fast 6 Soundtrack.
Something that irritates you more than anything: Tardiness.
Something you’re addicted to/can’t stop doing: Candy Crush Saga.
Something that really stands out about you: My outgoing and overly friendly personality.
Something about you that’s like everyone else: I like music... everyone likes music, right?
Something that makes you change the channel: Commercials.
Something you think about every night before you go to sleep: My future.
Something that you don’t think will ever change about you: My kind heart.
Something about you that you think will soon change: The fact that I keep giving people chance after chance.
Something that broke your heart as a child: Losing my Grandma. 
Something that really sparks your interest: Computers
Something that truly disgusts you: Child Molesters.
Something the opposite gender has complimented you on: My eyes.


  1. Congratulations on returning to school! Getting an education is a great investment in yourself and I applaud that. Way to go!

    Your answer to the truly disgusting is great.

  2. I try to remember to take deep breaths, but when I'm wound up I need action!

  3. Wonderful that you went back to school! I loved that you said "My kind Heart." That is a very good thing not to change.


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