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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Stealing: The Massive Alphabet Meme, Part 2

The Letter N 
Do you have a nickname? I have a couple that only close friends and family use.
What is your favorite number? 7, 17, 23
Do you prefer night or day? I tend to be a bit of a night owl.

The Letter O
What is your one wish? That I could spend more time in Pennsylvania with my cousins.
Are you an only child? I was for the first 10 years of my life.
Do you wish this year was over? No, time passes by way too quickly as it is.

The Letter P 
What is one fear that you are most paranoid about? Getting bit by something poisonous such as a spider or a snake.
What personality trait would you look for in someone you wanted to date? Just someone who is honest and has good morals.

The Letter Q 
Are you quick to judge people? Sometimes unfortunately.

The Letter R
Do you think you are always right? No, far from it.
Do you watch reality T.V.? Yes
What is a good reason to cry? Sometimes you don't need one!

The Letter S 
Do you prefer sun or rain? Most definitely Sun
Do you like snow? I like to see it, but I don't like dealing with it or driving in it.
What is your favorite season? Spring.

The Letter T 
What time is it? 11:04 a.m.
What time did you wake up? 7:30 a.m.
When was the last time you slept in a tent? Never

The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear? Yes
Do you open your eyes when under water?  Sometimes

The Letter V 
What is the worst veggie? Peas
Where do you want to go on vacation? The Bahamas
What was your last family vacation together? Myrtle Beach 2004

The Letter W 
What is your worst habit? I cuss like a sailor
Where do you live? South Carolina

The Letter X 
Have you ever had an X-ray? Several
Have you ever seen the X-Games? No
Do you own or have you ever played a xylophone? I've played one.

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow? Yes, it's bright and cheerful!
What year were you born in? 1983
What do you yearn for most? I don't know.

The Letter Z
What is your Zodiac Sign? Libra
Do you believe in the Zodiac? Sometimes
What is your favorite zoo animal? Giraffe

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